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Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Baby Boy

I have been afforded some extra quality time with my son this weekend and have been amazed at how I have to adjust being a mommy for a girl verses being a mommy for a boy...for instance he enjoys the sound of belching so we had a contest while riding home yesterday he had a great time and to be honest so did I. I didn't have to act all girly girl with him.

Next while sitting next to him in church as the service was just about to be over he turns his head for a moment and then turns back towards me and with the biggest smile on his face I noticed that he had suddenly grown (drawn) a mustache with an ink pen. Let's just say all I could do was sit there with my mouth open. Couldn't knock his head off because it was too funny and I was amazed at what he does to entertain himself. So i politely gave him what my mom use to give me when I was younger and had matter in my eyes...A SPIT BATH !!!! He of course resisted and I only got half the ink off but it was too funny to even attempt to get mad. He smiled and I smiled and hugged him.

As Sunday evening came to a close...I sent him in the store to purchase one item about 2 minutes later he comes running out of the store with the product in his hand without a bag and what looked like the same 5 dollar bill I had given him...ya'll I almost had a heart attack. I open my car door and blurted out all of my thought to him at one time..."Devin why are you running, did you pay for it, why don't you have a bag, what's wrong with you boy?" Devin in his 10 years of wisdom calmly says to me..."Moma I paid for it, don't know why i'm running and you didn't tell me to get a bag you just said get the cookies" All I could say after I caught my breath was Wow he's right I just said go in the store and buy the cookies. Later I realized why he was so giddy when he came out of the store and forgot to get a bag....he saw our neighbors daughter (16 year old) who works as a cashier and who I now know he has a crush on. I chose not to tease him but shared with him that if he asked her out on a date I would drive them...He said, "Okay!!"

I love Devin and am not sure how exciting my life would be without him. Thank you God for my gift of a son !!!!

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